Andrea is our Managing Director, meaning that all operations are overseen by her expertise. Andrea creates strategies, missions and objectives that set a precedent for the daily work of the rest of our team. With Andrea’s expert guidance and hands-on approach, the growth of MML has benefitted greatly, alongside the maintenance of our excellent service that we provide to our clients.  

Andrea is a lover of a to-do list, and so she ensures that everything is running smoothly and efficiently. She also loves getting to know people, and this allows her to manage the entirety of our team and encourage us to thrive. This in turn allows us to offer the highest level of service to our clients, who we are so dedicated to!  

Andrea’s quickfire questions

What’s your job in a nutshell?

As the Managing Director, my role involves guiding the company’s daily operations, offering strategic direction, and ensuring overall efficiency, profitability, and growth. This includes tasks such as budgeting, forecasting, resource allocation, implementing efficient processes, and ensuring a positive, motivated team environment where everyone excels in their respective roles.

Tell me some of the most important things about your job role. What do you need to be good at?

Ability to multitask! – This is a must as no two days are ever the same. One day I have my SEO hat on, another finance and another HR – luckily for me I have amazing teams and managers that I can then rely on to work with across all areas of the business. 

Adaptable and welcoming to change – Our industry in particular is constantly evolving and so I need to be able to adapt to changes. Whether it’s a google update, new technology, shifts in the economy or fluctuations in our clients’ industry, we need to be ready to evolve with it. 

Sense of humour – Running a business has its amazing days and challenging days, however I try to do it with a smile along the way. And if you have worked with Nathan Kelsey as long as I have, you can’t help but have a laugh! 

Give me two or three pieces of wisdom about your role. What is particularly important?

  • I read a quote that said “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”. This is so true and why we always aim to go above and beyond for our clients, making sure that we always offer them the best service we possibly can.
  • I am also lucky enough to work with the most amazing people. Knowing we can provide a place for them to work every day that they love motivates me a lot. Ensuring your employees are happy at work isn’t just a nicety. Their happiness brings productivity, creativity, and loyalty, forming the foundations of our success!

Which Make Me Local value is most applicable to your role?

Strength through teamwork – I am so incredibly lucky to work with such a talented (and lovely) bunch and it’s because of our teamwork that the company runs so well. 

How did you get into your industry? What interests you about it?

I started my career working in newspapers but then moved into magazines where I received my first experience with digital platforms. Realising that the future was online, I was lucky enough to be supported in this role whilst I completed a diploma in digital marketing to enhance my skills. 

From there, I moved into the luxury hotel industry and was the digital marketing manager for Claridge’s, The Berkeley, and The Connaught. I learnt so much from this role – especially the attention to detail required to make sure that the highest standards are always maintained. 

I love working in the digital space because nothing stays the same. There are always developments in technology, search strategies, and design trends that need to be monitored. Plus, because digital marketing is trackable, you can’t hide behind poor performance – you have to keep pushing to be the best you can be. I also really appreciate the immediacy of digital platforms, particularly after starting my career in print where lead times could be weeks or even months. 

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Empathetic, loyal, friendly.

Tell us something we won’t know about you (or more things, if you can)!

  • I climbed Kilimanjaro to raise money for Help for Heroes 
  • I have run both the London Marathon and Beckenham half marathon (even though I hate running) 
  • I have jumped out of a plane over the rainforest in Australia 
  • I am brilliant at headstands and beat Nathan in a competition recently 
  • Toast with peanut butter and marmite (has to be crunchy peanut) is my ultimate comfort food 

Never have I ever…

  • Drank Coca Cola 
  • Bungee jumped (I hate edges) 
  • Enjoyed watching a horror film (it’s the music that gets me) 
  • Left home without telling my kids I love them